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Saudi PCC News Today in Hindi

भारत में रहने वाले लोगो के लिए बहुत ही बड़ी खुसखबरी है की सऊदी अरबिया ने भारत से आने वाले लोगो को अब आने के लिए पुलिस क्लीयरेंस सर्टिफिकेट नहीं देना होगा न अब बनवाने की जरुरत है पूरा खबर पढ़े।

Saudi pcc news today in hindi

सऊदी दूतावास ने कहा है की भारत के नागरिको के वीजा के लिए अब पुलिस क्लीयरेंस सर्टिफिकेट जरूरी नहीं यह फैसला सऊदी दूतावास के तरफ से आयी है।

सऊदी अरब ने भारतीय नागरिकों को रोजगार वीजा जारी करने के लिए पुलिस क्लीयरेंस सर्टिफिकेट (पीसीसी) जमा करने से छूट देने का फैसला किया है।

नई दिल्ली – में सऊदी दूतावास ने गुरुवार को एक प्रेस बयान में कहा, पीसीसी अब भारतीय नागरिकों के लिए सऊदी अरब की यात्रा के लिए वीजा प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता नहीं होगी।

यह सऊदी अरब और भारत के बीच मजबूत संबंधों और रणनीतिक साझेदारी के मद्देनजर है, बयान में कहा गया है कि यह निर्णय दोनों देशों के संबंधों की और मजबूत प्रयासों के तहत लिया गया है। ताकि दोनों देश का सम्बन्ध और ज्यादा अच्छा बना रहे।

बयान में कहा गया है, “दूतावास किंगडम में शांति से रहने वाले दो मिलियन से अधिक भारतीय नागरिकों के योगदान की सराहना करता है।”

यह उल्लेखनीय है कि किंगडम में दो मिलियन से अधिक भारतीय प्रवासी हैं और वे देश में विदेशियों का एक-चौथाई हिस्सा हैं। पीसीसी को छूट देने का सऊदी का फैसला ऐसे समय में आया है जब दोनों देश दोनों देशों के बीच राजनयिक संबंध स्थापित करने की 75वीं वर्षगांठ मना रहे हैं।

NCR in construction| NCR Report

Nonconformance Report or NCR and Its Purpose

The purpose of nonconformance reports (NCRs) is to identify and correct deviations from established requirements, procedures, specifications, tolerances, design criteria, or other conditions that may affect product quality, performance, safety, or compliance with applicable regulations. 

An NCR identifies and describes any deviation from the requirements, procedures, specifications or other conditions that could adversely affect the quality, performance, safety or compliance with applicable regulations of a product.

 An NCR is not intended to be punitive nor is it intended to suggest that a particular action should be taken regarding the identified problem. Rather, an NCR is intended to assist the manufacturer in correcting problems and preventing recurrence of similar problems.

 A nonconformity report is a written document describing a specific noncompliance with a requirement, procedure, specification, tolerance, design criterion, or other condition that affects the quality, performance, or safety of a product. A nonconformity report does not necessarily imply that a violation exists; rather, it indicates that a potential violation exists. Nonconformities may exist without violating any regulation.

NCR in construction:

 A nonconforming product is one that fails to meet the requirements of a standard, regulation, or specification. In some cases, a nonconforming product may be acceptable under certain circumstances. However, if a nonconforming product is unacceptable under those circumstances, then the product is considered defective.

 A nonconformance report is a written document that describes a specific nonconformance with a requirement, procedure or other condition that affects product quality, performance, or compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, or standards.

 A non-confirmation report is not intended to be a punitive document. It is intended to help manufacturers improve their products and prevent recurrence of similar problems by identifying and correcting problems.

बिना घर छोड़े ऑनलाइन पैसे कमाने के कई तरीके हैं।

Work from home meaning in Hindi

वर्क फ्रॉम होम जॉब (work from home job) आपके घर से बाहर कदम रखे बिना जीवन यापन करने का एक प्रभावशाली तरीका है। घर से काम करना अक्सर दूरसंचार के रूप में जाना जाता है, और यह आज कर्मचारियों के बीच एक बढ़ती प्रवृत्ति है।

बहुत से लोग घर से काम करना पसंद करते हैं क्योंकि यह आसानी और स्वतंत्रता प्रदान करता है। हाल के वर्षों में, घर से काम करने के अवसरों की संख्या में काफी वृद्धि हुई है। वास्तव में, पारंपरिक नौकरियों की तुलना में अब घर से काम करने की संख्या अधिक है।

घर से काम करने से आप अपने काम को अपने निजी जीवन के साथ इस तरह से संतुलित कर सकते हैं जो आपके लिए सुविधाजनक हो। आप अपना कार्य समय-सारणी और समय-सीमा निर्धारित कर सकते हैं, जो विशेष रूप से तब सहायक होता है जब आपके पास एक मांग अनुसूची है।

आप घंटों या दिनों की छुट्टी में परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ संघर्ष से भी बच सकते हैं। साथ ही, आप जब चाहें अपने काम को आसानी से सकते हैं उसके बाद आप आराम कर सकते है अपने फैमिली के साथ वक़्त दे सकते है।

Work from home:

 लगभग हर प्रकार के कार्यकर्ता के लिए बहुत सारे वर्क फ्रॉम होम पोजिशन उपलब्ध हैं। कुछ कंप्यूटर प्रोग्रामर, वेब डिज़ाइनर, डाटा एंट्री जॉब्स, ग्राहक सेवा प्रतिनिधि और मार्केटिंग मैनेजर के लिए हैं।

अन्य ड्राइवरों, शिक्षकों और छात्रों के लिए हैं। यहां तक ​​कि माता-पिता के लिए भी अवसर हैं जो स्वयं पैसा कमाते हुए अपने बच्चों की देखभाल करना चाहते हैं। अनिवार्य रूप से, आप एक ऐसी स्थिति पा सकते हैं जो आपकी जीवनशैली और समय-सारिणी के अनुकूल हो, बिना किसी कठिनाई के।

आप दिन के किसी भी समय घर से काम करके पैसा कमा सकते हैं। आप अपने खुद के घंटे और कार्यक्रम निर्धारित करने में सक्षम होंगे- जिससे आपके व्यस्त जीवन में काम करना आसान हो जाता है। यह आदर्श है यदि आपके परिवार या मित्र हैं जो आपसे नियमित संचार की अपेक्षा करते हैं।

आपको नींद की भी कोई समस्या नहीं होगी क्योंकि समय से पहले उठने या अपॉइंटमेंट के लिए देर से उठने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है। इसके बजाय, आप दिन के लिए अपना काम खत्म करने के बाद आसानी से खोए हुए घंटों की नींद को पकड़ सकते हैं।

Work from home jobs कैसे करे

Work from home jobs कैसे करे?

बिना घर छोड़े ऑनलाइन पैसे कमाने के कई तरीके हैं बहुत है उसमे से कोई एक तरीका या कोई एक काम आपको सुरु करना है बिना सोचे की सही रहेगा या नहीं काम से काम आपको एक साल या छह महीने देना है।

Work from home – सबसे आसान तरीका है ऑनलाइन काम करना लेकिन सवाल भी है की ऑनलाइन क्या काम करे तो घबराने की जुरूरत नहीं है क्यूंकि आज कल ऑनलाइन काम करना भी आसान हो गया है बस आपको अपने फील्ड में काम करना है।

यदि आप Work from home इससे परिचित नहीं हैं तो आज आपको हम बताएँगे। ऑफिस में काम करने के बजाय आप घर से काम कैसे सुरु कर सकते है। घर से काम करने के ये भी फ़ायदा है की आप अपना खुद का समय निर्धारित कर सकते हैं।

आज बहुत से लोग घर से काम कर रहे हैं। कंपनियां ऐसे युवाओं को नियुक्त करना चाहती हैं जो ऊर्जावान और सीखने के इच्छुक हों। अगर आप कोई अच्छा सा काम की शुरुआत करना चाहते है तो थोड़ा बहुत जरूर आना चाहिए जैसे की अगर आपके पास कंप्यूटर की जानकारी है तो आप कोई भी काम कर सकते है work from home में।

मैंने Work from home से सम्बन्धी कुछ वेबसाइट का नाम दिया है जिसके मदद से आप आसानी से पैसे कमा सकते है वो भी work from home बिना किसी को पैसा दिए। इस पोस्ट में हम Fiverr की बात कर लेते है पोस्ट बड़ा होने के वजह से फिर हम बाकि के बात करेंगे।

10 best freelance websites

  1. Fiverr
  2. Upwork
  3. Toptal
  4. Jooble
  6. Flexjobs
  7. Guru
  8. 99designs
  9. People Per Hour
  10. LinkedIn

Fiverr क्या है कैसे काम करते है?

Fiverr एक ऐसे प्लेटफार्म है जहा से आप आसानी से घर बैठे जॉब कर सकते है और $ डॉलर में monthly सैलरी ले सकते है। सबसे अहम् बात बता दे आपको की Fiverr पे काम करने के लिए फ्री में सेवा उपलध है आपको कोई फी नहीं देनी है।

Fiverr से पैसे कैसे कमाए?

Fiverr से पैसे कमाने के अनेक उपाए है और Fiverr पे आपको बहुत काम मिल जायेंगे बस उस काम में से कोई एक काम आपको चुनना है जो आपके प्रोफेशन से सम्बन्धी है। उसके बाद एक अच्छा सा बैनर और प्रोफाइल पिक्चर बनाना है जिससे कोई भी अट्रैक हो आपके प्रोफेशन के तरफ और उसे अपने प्रोफाइल पे अपलोड कर देना है।

शुरुआत में आपको ज्यादा पैसे की डिमांड नहीं रखना है कोसिस करना है की आप दुसरो से काम रखे उससे पहले आप दूसरे को देखे कितना उनका प्राइस है उसके बाद आप उनसे अच्छा प्रोफाइल और कम प्राइस में सेवा दे।

याद रहे आप जो भी काम करे सही टाइम पे अच्छा काम करके दे उससे आपको अच्छा फीडबैक मिलेगा और अच्छा आर्डर आने लगेगा और आप काफी अच्छे पैसे कमाने लगेंगे।

Fiverr पे काम करने के लिए काम कैसे सीखे?

Fiverr पे काम करने के लिए आप ऑनलाइन का सहारा ले सकते है जहा कुछ पैसे दे कर टूल्स की मदद से आप काम कर सकते है और कुछ फ्री में भी टूल मिल जाता है जहा से आप आसानी से काम कर सकते है।

जैसे: आपको बता दू मई की एक फोटो के बैकग्राउंड हटाने के लिए भी लोग पैसे देते है जिसे आप ऑनलाइन फ्री टूल की मदद से कर सकते है, आप जितना रिसर्च करेंगे उतना ही अच्छा काम कर सकते है वो भी घर बैठे।

बाकि के 9 वेबसाइट में बाद में बात करेंगे क्यूंकि पोस्ट काफी बड़ा हो जायेगा इसलिए शार्ट में बता दे की घर बैठे ऐसे बहुत काम आप आसानी से कर सकते है।

जैसे – फोटो बना, वीडियो एडिट करना , एक्सेल पे काम करके देना, ऑनलाइन ईमेल, डिजिटल मार्केटिंग, ऑनलाइन कार्केटिंग, डाटा एंट्री, ऑनलाइन सर्विस देना, डिलीवरी बॉय, वेबसाइट डिज़ाइन करना या बना, सबसे ज्यादा ब्लॉग्गिंग करना, यूट्यूब वीडियो बना कर, फेसबुक पे वीडियो अपलोड करके, कंटेंट राइटर, टाइपिंग करके ऐसे बहुत से काम है जो आप घर बैठे आसानी से कर सकते है।

उम्मीद करता हु ये पोस्ट आपलोग को अच्छी लगेगी अगर आप चाहे तो अपना अहम् फीडबैक या कमेंट कर सकते जिससे हमे हौसला मिलता है।


घर पे काम करना बहुत आसान हो गया है और आप आसानी से घर पे काम कर सकते है वो भी सही तरीके से आप वर्क फ्रॉम होम जॉब कर सकते है उसके लिए आपको कोई एक प्रोफेशन चुनना है और मेहनत करना है। घर से काम करना सबके लिए इजी है कोसिस करना चाहिए कोसिस ही सफलता की पहली सीढ़ी है।

Construction Materials Name | Top Construction Materials Pictures 2022

Here is the sample of some items which is related to the construction materials. if you want to know more about the Contruction materials lets scroll down read. In this article you will see some sample picture of following mentioned materials name.

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Construction Materials Name:

  • Bitumen Membrane
  • Rock Walls
  • Geotextile
  • Extruded Polysterene
  • Expanded Polyethelene
  • Protection Board or Filler Board
  • Liquid Membrane
  • PVC Water Stop
  • Foam Backing Rods
  • Polyethylene Sheet
  • Flashing Aluminum

Construction Materials – Bitumen Membrane

The Benefits of Using Bitumen Membranes for Waterproofing

Bitumen membranes are waterproofing materials that are commonly used in roofing applications. These membranes are composed of asphalt-based compounds that have been modified to make them water-resistant. There are many different types of bitumen membranes, each with unique characteristics. We’ll go over some of the benefits of using these membranes in your marijuana garden.

 1. Waterproofing

Waterproofing is an important aspect of any cannabis garden. When it rains, water runs off the surface of the ground and away from the plants. If the ground is not properly waterproofed, then rainwater could potentially damage the roots of the plants. A membrane can help prevent this from happening.

 2. Drainage

Another benefit of using a membrane is its ability to drain excess water from the soil. As the plants grow, they require more water than the soil can provide. If the soil does not drain well, then the excess water may cause root rot. A membrane can help alleviate this problem.

 3. Airflow

 A final benefit of using a membrane in your garden is its ability to allow airflow. Without proper airflow, the soil can become hot and dry. This can lead to problems like mold and fungus. A membrane helps keep the soil cool and moist.

Construction Materials – Geotextile

Geotextile fabric Home Depot

1. What is geotextile?

 Geotextiles are fabrics that have been treated to make them water-resistant and durable. These materials are commonly used in construction projects, landscaping, and farming. Geotextiles are often used in agriculture to protect crops from erosion and runoff.

 2. Why use geotextile? 

 Using geotextile is a great way to protect your garden from erosion and runoff. If you live near a body of water, you may want to consider using geotextile to prevent flooding. You can also use geotextile to help control weeds and keep unwanted vegetation out of your yard.

 3. How do I choose the right geotextile? There are many different types of geotextile products on the market today. To find the best option for your project, you need to know what type of application you’re looking for. Here are some things to think about before choosing a product:

 • Waterproofing – Is your goal to create a barrier between your garden and rainwater? Or would you prefer to allow water to soak into the ground?

 • Erosion Control – Do you want to reduce the amount of sediment flowing off your property? Or would you rather let the sediment stay where it belongs?

 • Weed Control – Does your goal involve keeping weeds away from your garden? Or would you instead like to attract beneficial insects and wildlife to your space?

 • Drainage Control – Are you trying to prevent excess water from pooling around your home? Or would you like to encourage water to drain away from your house?

 • Soil Retention – Do you want to hold back the topsoil? Or would you just like to add extra nutrients to your garden?

 • Other Uses – Can you imagine using geotextile for something else besides gardening? Maybe you could build a fence, cover a driveway, or even line a road.

Construction Materials – Texas rock wall

1. Texas Rock Wall

The Texas rock wall is a natural stone wall built using local materials. These walls are built out of limestone and sandstone boulders. These rocks were chosen due to their durability, hardness, and ease of use. The stones are stacked vertically and horizontally to create a solid foundation. The top layer of the wall is covered with gravel to prevent erosion.

 2. Limestone

 Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed primarily of calcite, aragonite, and dolomite. It is often white or gray in color and is formed deep underground over millions of years. Limestone is a great material for building a rock wall because it is durable and hard wearing. It is also inexpensive and abundant in many parts of the world.

 3. Sandstone

 Sandstone is a sedimentary rock composed of quartz grains and clay minerals cemented together by iron-rich minerals. It is often reddish brown in color and is formed near the earth’s surface. Sandstone is a good choice for a rock wall because it provides a strong base and is relatively inexpensive.

 4. Gravel

 Gravel is a mixture of small pebbles and sand. It is commonly used for landscaping purposes and can be used to build a rock wall. If you want to make sure your wall is stable, then you should add some gravel to the bottom.

 5. Waterproofing

 Waterproofing refers to any substance that prevents water from entering a structure. A waterproofing membrane is a type of waterproofing product that is applied to the exterior of a building. It is designed to protect the building from water damage. There are different types of membranes including polyethylene, vinyl, and bitumen.

 6. Stucco

 Stucco is a plaster-like material that is used to coat the exterior of buildings. It is typically used to cover brick and concrete structures. It is a popular choice for building a rock wall since it is durable and easy to apply.

 7. Concrete

 Concrete is a composite construction material consisting of aggregate (such as gravel), cement, and water. It is a strong, versatile, and long-lasting material that is used to build roads, bridges, and foundations.

Construction Materials – Extruded Polystyrene

1. Extruded polystyrene (XPS) is a type of plastic that is commonly used in packaging materials. XPS is a high-density polymer that is manufactured using styrene monomer. Styrene is a chemical compound that is derived from petroleum products and is considered non-biodegradable.

 2. Biodegradation

 Biodegradation is the natural breakdown of organic matter. In the case of plastics, biodegradation occurs over time due to exposure to oxygen and water. When exposed to air, plastics begin to break down into smaller pieces called microplastics. These microplastics then enter the food chain and accumulate in marine animals.

 3. Marine Animals

 Marine animals are organisms that live in saltwater environments. Marine animals are often eaten by humans and other animals. When these animals eat plastics, they ingest the microplastics along with their food. Once ingested, the microplastics pass through the digestive system and end up being excreted out of the body.

 4. Human Consumption

 Humans may consume marine animals that have consumed plastics. If humans do not properly dispose of their trash, plastics can enter our bodies through consumption of seafood.

 5. Environmental Impact

 Plastic pollution is a major environmental issue. Plastics are created at a rapid rate and are disposed of improperly. As a result, plastics pollute landfills, waterways, oceans, and even the air we breathe.

Construction Materials – Sample pictures along with names

Construction Materials Name

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Copper Ceiling Tiles | Best Ceiling Tiles Ideas 2022

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Copper Ceiling Tiles | Best Ceiling Tiles Ideas 2022

Let’s see What Are Ceiling Tiles and Why Use Them & Copper Ceiling Tiles as well as how to choose the right tils, Ceiling tiles are a great way to give your ceiling a unique look without a lot of effort. They are not just for decoration though. They are also used to create a visual separation between rooms and help dampen noise. They also help to reflect light and can make your home more energy efficient. By adding these to your home, you can transform your space within minutes.

1. What are ceiling tiles?

Ceiling tiles are typically made of ceramic, plastic, or metal. They are often used to provide a finished look to an area. They can also be used to cover up or hide electrical wiring or other such things. Ceiling tiles are also often used to cover up old or ugly ceiling designs.

2. How to install them

Ceiling tiles are a great way to add a unique design to a room. They are available in many different colors, shapes and sizes. These tiles are easy to install and can be installed within a few hours. Here are some steps to installing a ceiling tile.

3. How to use them

Ceiling tiles are a type of ceiling that are made of a material that is usually transparent and can be easily attached to the ceiling. They are typically made of plastic, but they can also be made of stone, glass, or other materials that can be used in these applications. They are used to help with noise insulation in the room and to help with lighting. Ceiling tiles are very simple to use and can be installed in a few different ways.


What Are Copper Ceiling Tiles? How To Choose the Right Tile Size and Color.

Copper ceiling tile is an attractive choice for homeowners who want to add a unique touch to their homes. It’s also a great way to bring warmth and elegance to your space

Know what type of copper you need.

There are two main types of copper used in building materials: solid copper and hollow copper. Solid copper is more expensive than hollow copper, but it has better conductivity and durability. Hollow copper is less expensive than solid copper, but it’s not as durable. You should choose between these two options based on your budget and needs.

Find out how much it costs.

If you’re looking for a low-cost option, consider using hollow copper tiles. They’re available at most home improvement stores for under $10 per square foot. However, you might need to buy several different sizes to cover large areas.

Decide whether or not you want a custom size.

You can choose between standard sizes (1/4″ x 1/4″) and custom sizes (3/8″ x 3/8″). Custom sizes are more expensive than standard sizes because they require additional cutting and fitting.

Determine which color will look best with your décor.

Copper ceiling tiles come in a variety of colors, including white, black, gray, blue, green, red, brown, and gold. If you’re looking for something bolder, consider copper ceiling tiles with a bright accent color.

Order your tiles online.

You can order your copper ceiling tiles online through a number of different companies. This makes ordering easy and convenient.

Here are some samples of tiles for your information

alexander copper celing tile
Alexander copper ceiling tile
doric copper celing tile
Doric copper celing tile

medallion copper ceiling tiles
Medallion copper ceiling tiles

continental copper ceiling tile
Continental copper ceiling tile

Lafayette copper ceiling tile
Lafayette copper ceiling tile

Copper Options for Ceilings & Walls

Armstrong Ceiling Tiles
Image Source – armstrongceilings

What Are Armstrong Ceiling Tiles?

Armstrong Ceiling Tiles are an excellent choice for those who want to add some character to their homes. Learn more about them here!

Armstrong Ceiling Tiles come in many different styles and colors. They’re made of durable materials that will keep going for quite a long time.

Armstrong ceiling tiles are available in various sizes and shapes. You can choose between square, rectangular, round, oval, and even octagonal designs. These tiles are also available in several colors such as white, black, gray, brown, blue, red, green, yellow, and pink.

Why Choose Armstrong Ceiling Tiles Over Other Options?

Armstrong ceiling tiles are made with high quality materials and offer a variety of benefits. They are easy to install and maintain. They come in different styles and sizes so you can easily match them with any room décor. They are durable and will last for years without fading or cracking. And finally, these tiles are eco-friendly because they do not contain harmful chemicals.

  • How Do They Work?

Armstrong ceiling tiles are manufactured using a special process called “fusion bonding.” This process involves heating the ceramic material until it becomes soft enough to fuse together. Once fused, the tile is then cooled down and cut into shape. These tiles are available in various shapes and sizes. You can choose between square, rectangular, round, oval, and even hexagonal tiles.

  • How Can You Install Them Yourself?

If you decide to install these tiles yourself, you will need to use a hammer drill with a 1/2-inch bit. You should also wear safety goggles and ear protection when installing these tiles. It is recommended that you hire a professional installer to do the job for you.

  • Where Can I Buy Them?

These tiles are available at any home improvement store. They come in various sizes and colors.


Ceiling tiles are a great way to add beauty to a room without the need for a lot of work. They are also a great way to add a unique touch to a room without a lot of money. You can use them to add a splash of color, or you can use them to create a pattern. They can also be a great way to add a pattern to a plain ceiling. With the easy installation, there is no need to worry about damaging your walls, and they are easy to clean, just wipe them down with a damp cloth.

What is html coding | Basics of HTML

What is HTML? – HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It’s what makes websites look nice and readable. HTML is a markup language that tells web browsers how to display text and images on a website. 

HTML tags tell the browser how to format text and where to place images. There are many different types of HTML tags, each with their own purpose. In this video we’re going to cover some basic tips of HTML code. Which will help in your course.

Also, HTML is the language that makes the text and images on a website appear in the right places. The code tells the browser how to format the text and images so they look good when viewed on a computer screen.

This article will explain what it is, how it works, and how to use it effectively.

HTML is an essential part of any website. If you want people to see your site look beautiful, then you need to make sure that it displays properly on different devices and platforms. You also need to ensure that it looks good on mobile phones and tablets as well as computers.

The Basics of HTML

HTML is a markup style language that uses tags to format text and other elements on a website. Tags are enclosed within angle brackets (< >). Each tag has an opening tag and closing tag. The opening tag tells the browser what kind of element it should interpret as. The closing tag tells the browser how to display the element.

Using Tags

There are four main categories of tags: block, inline, list, and table. Block tags surround a piece of text and tell the browser where to place it. Inline tags are used to format individual words or characters. List tags are used to define lists of items. Table tags are used to define tables with rows and columns.

Adding Links

You can add links to other pages on your website using the tag. This tag has her attribute that specifies the URL of the link. If you use the anchor tag, you should also specify the name of the page you want to link to.

How to save HTML File

If you want to save file, then save it in name with.html

What Is HTML?

How To Create HTML File in WordPad

If you want to create an HTML file in Wordpad then You can easily create an HTML file using Microsoft WordPad.


To create an HTML file in WordPad, follow these steps: 1) Open WordPad 2) Click on File > New 3) Select “HTML” 4) Save the file 5) Close WordPad 6) Open the saved file 7) Enjoy!

Here’s how.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to create an HTML file, then try out WordPad. It’s free and available for Windows PCs. Just open up WordPad, click on File > New, select “HTML”, and save the file. That’s it!

Click File > New > Blank Document.

Now, you’ll see a blank document with some tabs at the top. These are the different sections of the HTML code.

Type the name of your document into the Name box.

Click on the “Text” tab to start writing your text.

Select Web Page from the Template dropdown menu.

Now click on the “Insert” button at the top right corner of the screen. This will open up a new window where you can select the template you want to use.

Click OK.

Once you’ve selected the template, you’ll see a list of options. Choose the one you want to use. If you’re not sure what kind of template you need, just choose the first option.

Examples to create an HTML File in WordPad.



<h1>This is my first demo class</h1>

<h2>This is my first demo class</h2>

<h3>This is my first demo class</h3>

<h4>Thank you for watching this videos</h4>

<h5>Do not forget to subscriber channel</h5>



What Is HTML? – A Complete Guide in Hindi

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Store keeper Jobs ( Riyadh )

Doston aaj aap sabke liye Store keeper jobs se related link de raha hu ager aap ko ghar baithe job chahiye to diye hua link pe click karke online apply kar sakte hai,

Apply karte samay is baat ka dhyan rakhe ki kisi bhi tarah ka payment aapko nahi karna hai. aur company join karne se pahle company ke bare me puri jankari lekar hi jaye.

5 – Storekeeper Jobs

How to send cv by email subject

Professional how to send cv by email subject

Dear friend, if you do not know how to send email then this is for you. Everyone knows that in this time email is very important for us, but many people do not know how to send email to someone. 

Email means Electronic Mail, if you have Gmail id or any email id then you can easily send email to anyone one their email id whether outlook, yahoo or any email id from your email account. 

Professional how to send cv by email subject

First Step: How to create email id go to your web browser and create an email id with your name or click on email id link and learn step by step.

Second Step:  Click on the left side of your email on the compose option. Now you will see there are some options like below.

How to send cv by email subject

From – It means from your email ID

To – Means where you want to send it just put the Secondary Email Id

Cc – Means if you have many people in your group let them cc means put them in cc. 

Bcc – Means Blind Any other person who cannot see who is in your cc. He will receive it as main (Secondary Email)

Professional how to send cv by email subject

Professional how to send cv by email idea

Now you know that how to send email and basic of email like – Email – To, CC, BCC, it’s all depending on or your work. if you do not know how to reply let’s see some examples in below for your kind of information, I hope this tipe help you to write professional email and after read this you can send email easily to anyone from your side to another.

Before reply absolutely check what, you have written in your email means review it before send, if you did any mistake, it will be negative for you. so that carefully review it check your attachment what you have attached, and you have proper attachment. also try to reply polite with full respect.

Another thing when you reply from your email only send email to him mean from your email to him and then if there have any cc another person then cc to all another person.

Like – From My Email – To and then CC other all. Start your email from his name or Team, Sir.

Example – Dear Sir, /HR Name,

I hope this email find you well,

Then write your email like below & as per their requirement, It is depending on subject so before reply also check your email subject then you can easily reply. because sometimes we can reply as per email subject and before reply write subject – name your email whatever you want to write.

In last your email appreciates him with respect and also give him your details personal details in your attachment or cv and that number email always check and reply to them on time, do not take too much time to reply. I hope now you can send email easily. let’s see below some examples.

I have more than 6 years’ experience in one of the best construction companies in Saudi Arabia.
AS Senior (Job Profession) From 2015 to 2018,
From 2018 to Till Today working as warehouse supervisor.

I have experience in (Job Profession), Warehouse Supervisor, Store Supervisor, Data Entry, Document Controller, Inventory Controller along with ERP & Computer Operator,

State –
Present Location-

Please let me know if you have relevant requirement.

Thank in advance for cooperation.

Best Regards.


How to reply email

Dear Sir,

Thank you for reaching out about this opportunity & for considering me for the position of warehouse supervisor.
Please find the attached My CV along with filled application for your perusal.

I am looking forward to your positive response.

Thank you once again for your time and support.

Best Regards,


Contact No.


Email reply is very important for everyone, we have to send or reply email with respect, before reply read full email do not skip or ignore any word, because some time important text written in below, therefore read full email then reply, if you received email then reply to it as soon as possible.

Mail meaning in hindi | How to create email in hindi?

Email kya hai kaise banaye step by step: Email ka matlab electronic mail hai ye mail bhejne ka digital madhyam hai, jisme ek user dusre user ko internet ke istemal karke sandesh kayi milo door baithe bhi bhej sakta hai, is email me text, file, picture ya kisi attachment ke  madhyam se kis dusre ko ya kis samooh ko, group me bheja ja sakte hai.

Important email Information | First email who sent it?

Duniya ka sabse pahla email Engineer Ray Tomlinson ne kiya tha, unhone pahla network email 1971 me ek computer ke madhyam se dusre computer me bheja tha jo ki kuch is tarah ka tha “QWERTYUIOP”, email message ko ARPANET ke madhya se bheja gya tha.

Ye sawal email kya hai ya what is email in hindi sab bahut se log search karte hai jiska jawab sab koi janta hai lekin email ko kaise use karna hai aur email kya hai ye sab janna bhi jaruri hai.

Email ka full form Electronic Mall Hota Hai, Ise log e-mail ya Electronic Mail Bhi Kahte hai, Yah ek prakar ka digital message hota hai jise ki ek user se dusre user ke sath communicate karne ke liye istemal karta hai,

Ise e-mail me text, files, images ya ko attachments bhi ho sakta hai, jise network ke ya yu kahe internet ke madhayam se ek User ID se dusre User ID ya kisi specific individual ya koi group individuals ko bheja ja sakta hai.

Email kya hai kaise banaye step by step
gmail kiya hai kaise kare

What is email in hindi?

Aap sabko pata hai ki aaj ki aaj ke daur me e-mail bahut hi mashur ho gya hai aur kisi bhi company me aur officially kaam me iske bina chalne wala nahi hai. Ye sawal ka jawab sayad hum sabhi ko malum hoga kyunki e-mail ka use hum sab karte hai. jaise ki ager aap job apply kar rahe hai to usme bhi apko e-mail karna padta hai.

Pahle jamane me log offline e-mail karte the jaise kisi ke madhyam se bhejna wahi kaam ab online ho gya hai jo ki aap kahi se baith asani se second me bhej sakte hai aur samne wale ko asani se apna sandesh de sakte hai. is e-mail me aap jo chahe likh sakte hai kaisa bhi photo video link aur bahut kuch iske madhyam se bhej sakte hai.

Email kya hai kaise banaye step by step

E-mail ka English me pura naam Eletronic Mail Kaha jata hai jise hum E-Mail or E-mail ke naam se jante hai. jo ki aapk gmail, yahoo, Hotmail aur aise bahut se platform pe apna free me id bana sakte hai aur kisi ko bhi e-mail bhej sakte hai.

How to create gmail id in hindi?

Email kya hai kaise banaye jaise storekeeper ho ya koi bhi E-mail Create karne ke liye sabse pahle apko decide karna hoga ki aap e-mail kaha banana chahte hai jaise gmail pe, yahoo pe, hotmail pe ya kisi or jagah, apne hisab se aap decide kar sakte hai.

Jaise aap ager mail pe apna account ya apna user id banate hai to apko sabse pahle apne browser me uske website pe jana hoga jaise ki – ke home page pe fir waha pe apko – create new account – pe click karna hoga uske bad apko niche bataye anusaf fill karna hoga.

Email kya hai kaise banaye?
Email kya hai kaise banaye?

Sabse jarur bat aap jab bhi email id banaye to aap apna pura naam fill kare aur sabse important jo apko koi nahi batayega ki user id kaise apne pasand se rakhe.

Gmail account ho ya koi bhi ager aapko user id apne pasand se rakhna hai to aap behtar hoga apne naam ke sath apne date of birth jode isse asani se apko user id mil jayega jaise ki21092022 isme date of birth hoga 21 September aur year 2022 aise hi aap apne hisab se rakh sakte hai.

Wahi ager apko password bhi apne man se rakha hai to sabse pahle aap password ka pahela letter Capital rakhe fir small rakhe uske bad koi symbo jaise ki @,$,%,& etc aap rakh sakte hai iske bahut faide bhi hai, aise password ko koi jaldi malum nahi kar sakta aur aise password se apka account approval asansi se ho jata hai.

email id free me kaise banate hai
Gmail account kaise banaye

Ab apko dhyan rakhan hai ki account banate samaye aap apna mobile number hi bhare warna recover karne me apko bahut muskil hoga us waqt jab apka account ka password aap bhul gaye ho ya kisi wajah se open nahi ho pa raha ho to recover karne me dikkat asakti hai isliye achceh apne mobile number de.

Mobile number bharne ke bad apko apna koi bhi ghar ka bhi recovery email address dena hai ager nahi hai to aap ise chhod sakte hai. lekin hai to jarur de. uske bad aap apna sahi date of birth bhare next apko gender select karna hai use select karke next pe click kar de iske bad aap ka account create ho jayega.

Ab aap kisi ko bhi email karna chahte hai to compose pe click karke uska email id de kar asan se bhej skate hai jiska part – 2 mai aap logo ko bataunga ki isme aur kya kya jarurui hai.

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