Top 23 Store keeper interview questions In English

Store Incharge Interview Questions and Answers

Top 23 Store Incharge Interview Questions and Answers

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BEST Multiple Choice Question ( MCQs)

Store incharge ledger maintained by ————department?

  1. Sales Department
  2. Store Department
  3. Cost Account Department
  4. Admin Department

Ans – 3

The main purpose of the Stock adjustment sheets is?

  1. To Record the perpetual inventory
  2. To Record the physical count
  3. To Record stock disposal
  4. To record abnormal loss

Ans – 2

Store Incharge Bin cards are used in keeping records of?

(Bin Card Meaning)

  1. Quantities Only
  2. Value Only
  3. Quantities & Value both
  4. Location

Ans – 1 

Ans__________Level is the inventory level at which entity places a new order.

  1.  Maximum Stock
  2.  Maximum Stock
  3.  Buffer Stock
  4.  Reorder Level

Ans – 2 

An important aspect of the stock control in-cloves?

  1. Finding one’s way around store department
  2. Looking after cattle on farm
  3. Ensuring right items are always available when needed
  4. Counting the number of staff working in store

Ans – 3 

Store incharge material is issued by the store keeper against?

  1.  Material requisition (MR)
  2.  Product Receive
  3.  Material Order
  4.  Purchase Requisition

Ans – 1


  1.  First In First Out
  2.  Further in Further Out
  3.  First Inside First Outside
  4.  First Into, First Out

Ans – 1

Material Management is also called?

  1. Control & Logistic Management
  2. Distribution Planning
  3. Material Handler
  4. Both of Above

Ans – 4

 Ans__________is the time that elapses between issuing replenishment orders and receiving the material in stores.

  1. Replenishment Time
  2. Lead Time
  3. Idle Time
  4. None of Above

Ans – 2

Ans__________are the basic materials which have not undergone any conversion since their receipt from the supplier.

  1. WIP
  2. Raw Material
  3. Finished Parts
  4. Work Made Parts

Ans – 2

The concept of EOQ is related with?

  1. Quality
  2. Time
  3. Contract
  4. Quantity

Ans – 4

Which store accounting system involves use of market price or stock at cost, whichever is less?

  1. Standard Cost System
  2. Market Value System
  3. Average Cost System
  4. Coasting the Closing Stock

Ans – 4

What is a zone in a warehouse?

  1. Location Where Items are Kept.
  2. Group of Location
  3. Group of  Location Sharing Common Property
  4. None of these

Ans – 3

What is done by consolidation in a warehouse?

  1. Consolidation Materials Through a Single Shipment
  2. Bulk Warehouse Sorts or Splits Individual Orders & Arrange for Local Delivery
  3. Mixing of Various Products for Shipment
  4. None of these

Ans – 1

What is the utility of location size code?

  1. Define the size of location
  2. Define the capacity of location in terms of quantity
  3. Define location
  4. None of these

Ans – 2

Which store accounting system is also known as replacement rate costing?

  1. FIFO
  2. LIFO
  3. Market Value System
  4. Average Cost System

Ans – 3

Which technique is used by inventory management for cost reduction?

  1. Company wide codification of items
  2. Standardization
  3. Waste & Scrap Control
  4. All of these

Ans – 4

Which store accounting system involves a detailed analysis of market price & trends?

  1. FIFO
  2. Standard Cost System
  3. Market Value System
  4. Average Cost System

Ans – 2

Which of the systems keeps track of each withdrawal in addition to inventory continuously?

  1. A Fixed Quantity System
  2. A Continuous Inventory System
  3. A Perpetual Inventory System
  4. A Fixed Period System

Ans – 2

While taking delivery of material delivery challan should be compared carefully with?

  1. Indent
  2. Technical Specification
  3. Purchase Order
  4. None of these

Ans – 3

Which of the classification of items is based on stock value?

  1. FSN
  2. ABC
  3. DEF
  4. XYZ

Ans – 4

Usually what is the time given for the inspector to inspect the material put at the inspection bay at stores?

  1. 2 Days
  2. 3 Days
  3. 4 Days
  4. 5 Days

Ans – 2

Which of the following stock verification methods has not been adopted in the NTPC?

  1. Periodical stock verification
  2. Continuous stock verification
  3. Verification by external agency
  4. Verification by internal auditors

Ans – 4 

The acronym ROL stands for?

  1. Requirements of letter of credit
  2. Recorder level
  3. Report of loss of stock
  4. None of the above

Ans – 2


A Store InCharge – The first step in managing a warehouse department in a company is to understand about your company works. This will allow you to plan for your future company growth and keep costs down. always manage with proper procedure.

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Top 23 Store Incharge Interview Questions and Answers

A Store incharge - The first step in managing a warehouse department in a company is to understand about your company works. This will allow you to plan for your future company growth and keep costs down. always manage with proper procedure.

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